Hares Youssef’s audiobook GAIIA is out!

Hares Youssef’s audiobook “Gaiia” narrated by Sergey Chonichvili is published on Bookmate.com!

Special thanks to producer Nika Vashakidze, thanks to her responsibility and sensitivity this wonderful project took place.

Composers Vladimir Gorlinsky and Mikhail Myasoedov created a true miracle, creating a unique work especially for “Gaiia”, and we would listen to the incomparable Sergey Chonichvili’s enchanting voice endlessly.

Voice: Sergey Chonichvili
Sound: Vladimir Gorlinsky, Mikhail Myasoedov
Sound recording: Andrei Goncharov
Sound mixing: Yuri Ginzburg, Vladimir Gorlinsky
Editor: Anna Maezhova
Producer: Nika Vashakidze
Production: Studio GLINA
Duration: 7 hours and 53 minutes

Very happy to herald the release of this story! It’s a big, multi-thematic text, in terms of scope – definitely a blockbuster. This is the first time we have worked together with Mikhail Myasoedov, the area of our work is sound design (we both proposed sound material), which in a parallel composition leads, guides the reader-listener through the entire text. I hope that our sounds will accompany you as companions – unobtrusive and a little detached. I’ll meet you through the sounds!

Vladimir Gorlinsky about his work on the GAIIA audiobook

“Gaiia” by Hares Youssef is a beautiful philosophical work about where human consciousness is headed, whether there is an alternative to our talentless society, and whether there is a great chance of making it harmonious.

Sergey Chonichvili on the work on the audiobook GAIIA