The world’s readiness for radical change

Historically, humanity has come to realize its impasse only when it is confronted with global challenges to which it is incapable of responding. Until recently, no one could even assume that such a challenge would be a sudden pandemic coronavirus. In a matter of weeks, Covid-19 shattered the established model of the global world order, revealed the problems in the health system, put the world economy on its backs, launched a mechanism of social transformation. The face of the world left its smug smile and mankind saw its sorrowful grimace.

We had reached a dead end. The old world has already cracked and the new one has not yet emerged. We are in an intermediate state, where, on the one hand, we have lost many illusions and hopes, while, on the other hand, we are facing new possibilities. What the leading thinkers of our time propose can hardly be called a way out. Rather, it is an invitation to step on familiar rakes. Obviously, the way out of the impasse cannot be a repetition of old scenarios. We need a new one.

Every revolution began with the thought of one man; and when that same thought took hold of others, it became predominant for its time.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Latin word revolutio, meaning “turn, overturn, transformation,” indicates a fundamental breakthrough, a transition to a qualitatively different level. Here we can talk about a shift in values and, moreover, a change in paradigms. When the hourglass is turned over, a new countdown begins. There are people who come to start it. They are called pioneers, innovators, free thinkers, architects of the new world. But whatever they are called, they bring change with them. Humanity, on its way to the evolutionary transformation of society, has gradually lost any notion that our development cannot be limited to biological nature and technical progress; evolution that bypasses cognitive processes inevitably brings humanity to a dead end. The straight becomes curved, the convex becomes concave, authentic meanings give way to distorted notions, chaos replaces order, lies displace truth. Everything gets a price, but it also loses value.

Mankind needs a moral revolution. A revolution that will change the mentality of man and our entire civilization. This is what the philosopher Hares Youssef writes about in his book GAIIA.

This book offers not only a model of fundamental transformation of the entire economic system, based on the principle of financial transparency, but also the key to a new model of social behavior, which will fundamentally change our approach to the scientific, cultural, educational and political spheres. The author does not follow the analysts who insist on preserving and reinforcing an unsustainable model of the world, but forms a fundamentally new paradigm centered on the highest human value, namely man himself. Man – not as a “two-legged habit,” but as a creator capable of realizing his deepest potential.

Wielding a wide range of interdisciplinary knowledge, Hares Youssef puts his philosophical, scientific and economic ideas in the form of a fascinating novel, in the pages of which the reader will meet as Nikola Tesla and Joseph Stalin, and the powers that be, that rule history in our day, He will learn that the Earth has a twin planet and all things in the universe exist in pairs, the role of language in human cognition, the three stages of civilization, the architecture becoming philosophy, the moon generation and the mysterious Pideums, which perhaps the sage Plato dreamed of.

The book Gaia predicts the behavior of a world ready for radical change. Predicting means revealing aspects of reality that will set in motion tomorrow’s events of historical order.